Religion Forum (R20)  International Summit of Religious Leaders Launching Press Conference

2022, Press Conference
Press Conference
About This Project

The event of world religious leaders, R20, will be held in Nusa Dua, Bali on November 2-3, 2022. The press conference was held on September 7 which was attended by K.H Yahya Cholil Staquf General Chairperson of PBNU, Dr. Ahmad Suaedy Chair of the R20 Committee, Dr. Najib Azca, Spokesperson in R20. The forum, which was initiated by Nahdhatul Ulama and the World Muslim League, will bring together religious leaders from all over the world, to share ideas and discuss, making religion part of the solution to world problems. Also as a vehicle to promote systematic cooperation between various religions, civilizations and nations, R20 in Indonesia promises a lasting global impact.