Jakarta, June 7, 2022 – In collaboration with PERSI and with the support from the Ministry of health of the Republic of Indonesia (KEMENKES), ON US Asia initiating and promoting the Indonesia Digital Health Expo (IDHE) 2022 which will be held on August 25 – 26, 2022 at Jakarta Convention Center. With the theme “Digital Experience for Smart Hospital”.
The virtual launching & talkshow session attended by Dr. Bambang Wibowo, Sp.OG(K), MARS (Chairman of PERSI), Junior R Kainama (COO of On Usia), dr. Agus Mutamakin, Head of Tribe, Digital Transformation Officer (DTO), Ministry of Health & Gio Wibowo (CEO of Busdev)
IDHE will be a platform that provides cutting – edge solutions to answer the challenges and trends in the era of digital transformation today. The theme itself “Digital Experience for Smart Hospital” is highly relevant to the global issues and current government policies. All three were created to enhance discussion quality as well as experiences sharing related to trends, challenges, and communication for the health sector, especially hospitals and clinics, as well as the on-going technological innovation of the digital transformation.
The IDHE 2022 Forum will host various programs such as: conference, workshop and exhibition. The Workshop program is also one of the most awaited opportunity for academics and professionals to discuss in detail related issues and up to date developments related to the health industry in hospitals and clinics. In addition, the Exhibition will feature the latest health programs and technologies.
More information about IDHE 2022 can visit the site access www.idhe.co.id